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This is merely an opinion blog. The information held on this blog is merely the opinion of a laymen individual. The authors on this site are not doctors nor do they claim to have any formal medical background. This website is not liable, either expressly or in an implied manner, nor claim any responsibility for any emotional or physical problems that may occur directly or indirectly from reading this blog.

All information is intended only to help you cooperate with your doctor.  As we state repeatedly throughout our posts, the most important thing you should do if you have a medical issue is to contact your doctor first.  The information on this blog should NOT replace consulting with your healthcare professional.  The information on this blog is only an unprofessional opinion and any information obtained from this blog should be verified through your doctor.

All information is generalized, presented for informational purposes only, not medical advice, and presented “as is” without warranty or guarantee of any kind.  If you have any medical condition written about or discussed on this website, you must first contact your doctor and take his advice over anything you read on this website. 

Doctors are medical professionals and this website and its authors are not, and therefore it is the opinion of those medical professionals that should be trusted and used to treat any medical issues.  Readers are cautioned not to rely on the information on this website as medical advice and to consult a qualified medical professional or other appropriate professional for their specific needs.

This information has not been evaluated by the FTC, FDA or any other government agency and this information is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.